FDRI will be making data available as systems are implemented. Full prioritisation of data outputs will take place through 2024, so this list is indicative and the datasets FDRI provides may vary from this.  

FDRI catchment monitoring

  • Near real time, sub-hourly data from FDRI rainfall, meteorological, soil, flux, river flow, groundwater and water quality monitoring stations (expected 2028)
  • Data from FDRI mobile instrumentation deployments

Legacy catchment research data

  • Hourly meteorological data from 4 Automatic Weather Stations within the Plynlimon Research Catchments (1970-2012)
  • 15-minute river flow data from 9 river gauging stations within the Plynlimon Research Catchments (1970-2012)
  • Monthly rainfall data from 32 storage rain gauges within the Plynlimon Research Catchments (1968-2010)
  • Catchment monitoring data from the Coalburn research catchment
  • Sub-daily AWS and tipping bucket raingauge data from the Upper Severn Dulas sub-catchment (CHASM project, 2002-2006)

UK-wide sub-daily hydrological monitoring data

  • 15-minute rainfall data from Environment Agency, SEPA, Natural Resources Wales
  • 15-minute river levels and flows from Environment Agency, SEPA, Natural Resources Wales and Department for Infrastructure – Rivers (NI)
  • Research catchment monitoring, water company, citizen science data as appropriate and available

Other UK-wide datasets and data products  

  • Enhanced rain radar grids
  • Sub-daily gridded rainfall datasets
  • LiDAR data (and associated tools)
  • Earth Observation data for hydrology through links with the NERC Earth Observation Data Hub.


Please get in touch if there are important monitoring datasets you would like FDRI to enable access to fdri@ceh.ac.uk.