The FDRI will feature a network of instrumented basins providing nationally-relevant data, including deployable mobile instrumentation that will meet UK-wide science needs. The network will enable focused observations of water input, movement, and storage in three river basins with mobile instruments available for UK-wide deployment. Digital solutions will underpin the observational infrastructure and facilitate data use.
FDRI - location selection for fixed infrastructure
The three sub-catchments where fixed FDRI infrastructure will be deployed will be the Chess (orange on map) in England, the Upper Severn (purple on map) in Wales and the Upper Tweed (blue on map) in Scotland.
When will we be on site?
We are currently undertaking catchment characterisation and assessing the suitability of a range of sites to ensure that the FDRI instrumentation is in the most suitable locations to address science needs while taking into account practical considerations.
We will keep all communities and stakeholders up to date as we progress with this activity.
When will mobile equipment be available?
Over the next two years (2024-25) we will be selecting equipment for mobile hydrological and survey work anywhere in the UK. This equipment will be available for loan for catchment monitoring and experiments.
Perceptual modelling
We have developed perceptual models for each of the three catchments to help identify gaps in knowledge to inform what instrumentation is needed and where it will be placed.
We have looked at what gauges and monitoring stations are already available in the catchments and taken into account the major elements of the water balance in each catchment. This will give us a better understanding of each catchment and identify what the priorities are for FDRI over the next few years.
We are currently consulting on the River Chess perceptual model. We will carry out a similar consultation on the Severn and Tweed in 2025.
Timeline for instrumenting FDRI sites

Description of figure:
Summer 2024: Develop perceptual models
Autumn 2024: Lab testing; catchment characterisation surveys start; develop catchment sampling design
Spring 2025: Full fixed system outdoor testing at Wallingford
Summer 2025: First site installed
Autumn 2025: First borehole; first river monitoring installed
2026 - 2027: Continue roll-out of stations in Tweed and Upper Severn
2027: Mobile kit available for field use
2028: Forest tower installation and commissioning; reservoir buoy installation and commissioning; event response training
Spring 2029: Ready for operation
Get involved
If you'd like to become part of our collaborative network, and work with the FDRI observatories in future, please register below. Once the sites become operational we will be in touch. If you have accessible land in one of the FDRI catchments where we could site some of our instrumentation, then please get in touch.