On December 19 2024, UKCEH Hydrometry Scientist Nick Everard spent a very cold but enjoyable day exploring potential FDRI streamflow monitoring sites on the River Tweed and its tributaries. A total of 15 sites were assessed, with many appearing well suited to FDRI monitoring activities.

Excellent support was provided by SEPA, Tweed Forum and Andrew Black of the University of Dundee.

Thermal velocimetry (showing water speed in metres a second) at the confluence of the Tweed and Talla Water

Never one to miss an opportunity to be innovative, Nick was also able to test the possibility of river flow velocimetry using a drone-mounted thermal camera. The results were extremely encouraging! 

The image on the left shows thermal velocimetry (showing water speed in metres per second) at the confluence of the Tweed and Talla Water.